Generally speaking, the higher the fade, the more maintenance is necessary. And the medium? Naturally, it falls somewhere in between. So, while a high fade leaves you with a mop-top and little else, a low fade will taper subtly down your head, with the absolute shortest cut just around your ears. In essence, the lower the fade, the more coverage you’re left with. Opt for a high fade, a medium fade, or a low fade, with each offering its own look. But what does a ‘fade’ actually mean? It’s simple: a fade haircut simply denotes a gradient of length, creating a fade effect-sometimes fading to skin, sometimes to very short hair. This slightly edgy, yet totally smart style is found on the heads of men across the world after bounding into popularity around the 1950s. Not hot on haircuts? Don’t worry: we promise you’ll have come across the fade many times, even if you don’t know it.