There is no extras disk that I know of for 1.4a15, all I have is Workbench. It would be nice if WinUAE natively supported Kickit/Rekick images, but for now i just boot with 1.3, CTRL-D out of the startup-sequence, and run Kickit to load the softkick image.

I am currently in the middle of compiling some Amiga screenshots for a friend's site, so in the process I will make a list of all the current Kickstart and Workbench prototypes I have (I will say this - there are more proto Kickstart images than there are Workbenches to go with them - so I just test many of the 2.0 Kickstarts with the earliest 2.0 I could find, which was the A3000-bundled version), and whether the ROM is a standard Kickstart at $F00000 (512K)/$F80000 (256K), or a 'special' one meant for softkicking with either Kickit or Rekick. 1.4a15 and 1.4b1 are in the TOSEC Kickstart and Workbench collections, and there are some miscellaneous 2.0 builds buried within the TOSEC Amiga Applications collection.

The various betas are floating around on P2P networks, although they are in other collections like TOSEC (IOW, there is no 'Kickstarts - Beta' collection). Well, to conclude, I've got the system operational again, but I'm still very confused about these different versions. I booted without Startup-sequence and grabbed the kickstart.Ī quick browse through both files in a Hex reader shows that they ARE different! How could there be 2 different versions in ROM? The best theory I could come up with was that one was loaded from SuperKickstart, but I'm 99.9999% certain that has version 37.175 on it. To my surprise, loading in the kickstart from floppy and then booting the system from the hard drive failed, (didn't recognize WB_2.x: as bootable) and I got the "Insert Disk" screen - this time with a 36.143 version indicator! Booting with a Workbench2.05 floppy failed with a "Suspend/Reboot" requester. Today, while experimenting with some softkickers, I clobbered the Devs:Kickstart file on my hard disk and had to use the SuperKickstart disk to boot up in order to restore my backup file. A while ago, I quit out of the 1.4 bootmenu on my A3000 and used GrabKick to take an image of the Kickstart - it came out as version 36.016.