Minecraft version 1.17 - 1.20 | Download: Jade It's often included in modpacks, helping you learn the recipes for new items you're not yet familiar with. Just Enough Items is the successor of the older NotEnoughItems mod that lets you search for materials in-game and see all of its recipes. Minecraft version: 1.20 | Download: Just Enough Items (JEI) It's one of the first things we usually add when installing Minecraft. It supports HD textures, smooth lighting, and more, and framerate doubling is not uncommon. Enter Optifine-a mod that not only makes Minecraft run faster but also look far better. It runs surprisingly poorly on low-end laptops, and a high-end rig can't do much with its extra oomph. Minecraft doesn't scale too well to the power of fast or slow machines. Minecraft version: 1.7.2 - 1.19.4 | Download: OptiFine

(Image credit: Mojang (modded by Mezz)) Optifine Fortunately, you aren't stuck in the waiting room bored, since you can play one of the countless mods that are practically a brand new game on their own-since many are for older versions of Minecraft, and they're just waiting for you to pick them up and explore. You can expect the update forecast to be cloudy, with likely waits ahead for your favorite mods to get tuned up for the latest official update. But get ready to hurry up and wait, since many mod authors are still buried under past updates in the mod-mines, so new updates are going to bury them even deeper. Minecraft 1.20 is here at last, with bells on-including a pair of new friendly fellas in the Minecraft camel and community voted Minecraft sniffer-and we can dig into its new content anytime. But finding the perfect mod will let you do things like reliving favorite Mario memories, or even visiting worlds with enormous numbers of other players. Mods can stock your game with unbeatable block variety, or just make your Minecraft life easier. With a treasure room full of double chests full of choices, mod categories are bursting with choices ranging from simple quality of life to total overhauls.