Sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition
Sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition

sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition

The Monkey King vehicle appears to be tied to the outfit. Vehicles are gradually unlocked as you play through the game. The vendor also has new unique dialogue for each outfit so it's worth it to check him out. If you visit him you will be able to buy all the outfits from the DLC with in game money. After the first few missions of the game, once you have free reign of the city, there will be a clothing vendor in the south east corner of the Night Market with a gold icon labeled Legendary Clothing. Lastly, the rest of the DLC, which are outfits, equipment and vehicles. Like the previous packs these start to become available as you play through the game, the first of which appear on the map after you break into the underground racing scene. Now they are hidden around the city in different locations. It was nice to be able to get a quick HK$1,000,000 but it was in no way challenging to find.

sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition

In the standard edition of Sleeping Dogs all the Red Envelopes were placed at the parking garages through the city. As you progress in the game more of them will become available. Once you start doing missions for Inspector Teng some of the SWAT pack missions will appear on the map to do. The SWAT pack, which is the additional cop missions DLC, is also made available as you play. I haven't completed the Definitive Edition yet so I can't say if these are made available in the main game as well. The first 2, Year of the Snake and Nightmare in North Point are both available from the main menu before you start the game. The icon for Zodiac Tournament will then appear on your map where it usually does and you will be able to proceed with playing it. For example, you will get a text from Inspector Teng at a certain point letting you know of an illegal fighting ring she found out about. The last 2, Zodiac Tournament and Wheels of Fury unlock as available missions as you play. Year of the Snake, Nightmare in North Point, Zodiac Tournament and Wheels of Fury. This means that almost all of the DLC needs to be unlocked in the game through game play and is not available from the start. Unlike the standard edition of Sleeping Dogs all of the DLC in the Definitive Edition has been made a part of the game. Trust me, everything is there for the finding! :) That being said if you would like to find out about the DLC in the game on your own I would suggest you stop reading now and go explore Hong Kong. It is different than I have seen in a lot of games, especially the standard edition of Sleeping Dogs.

sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition

I've seen some confusion on how the DLC works in the new Definitive Edition of the game and thought I would put something together to help avoid this. As quoted from StanceStrife on the official Sleeping Dogs forums:

Sleeping dogs red envelope locations definitive edition